Chapter 22: The Sync In

Next day, we woke up in the morning, and came to the living area and suddenly all are phones buzzed, we checked and there was a video of Riya one of our classmates and my acquaintance I would say since I now don't call people friend, changing clothes, and when we checked it, it had gone viral on social media in just 15 minutes. All of us 10 looked at each other shocked, like Aditi, Shruti, Urvi and Abhinav even didn't know her but even they got the video, and then Shaurya and I received a message from our dean that there was an emergency meeting and we knew it was on this topic. We got ready as soon as possible and left. When we reached the conference room all the council members and Riya was there. She was sobbing, I sat next to her and Shaurya took his seat at the President's chair. A few moments later, Dean entered and said 

"I think we all know why we have this emergency meeting"

 "We are sorry for what happened to you Riya" She said turning towards Riya. 

"Now we need to hear how are we looking forward to handle this case" she said addressing the council 

"I think we should take action as a whole committee so, more people know that Riya is not at fault and we have more people at work so, the person who did such a cheap act is caught quickly and easily" I said presenting my opinion

 "I disagree" Shaurya said interrupting me 

"I think the less number of people we involve the better, since we don't know who did this we need to keep everyone under suspicion" he said turning towards dean ma'am.

 "Then, who is going to work on it?" I said showing my disagreement

 "I said we will get least amount of people , who Dean ma'am thinks is the most trustworthy to get it done" Shaurya said facing towards me.

 "I think I agree with Shaurya" Dean ma'am said, 

"So, Shaurya you will work with the management team on this as the president of the council" Dean ma'am said looking at Shaurya.

 "But ma'am.." I said but was interrupted 

"Enough of discussion Sanya, I have announced my decision and I think you should respect and appreciate that" she said and left the seminar room.

 I banged the table and said "She could have at least appointed a girl with whom Riya would have been comfortable", 

and before Shaurya could say anything I left the room and Riya followed me. The day already started stressfully, then when Riya and I left the seminar room, we saw that the time table of the upcoming exams was already placed on the notice board, and it was starting...... uhm..... Damn, it was starting next week, we already had so much in our plate and then these exams. I thought, we have Shaurya working on the case, so I'll start it my way tomorrow and left for home with dropping Riya at her place.

Sanya and I started another day with disagreement, but this time she was completely wrong, and I didn't had time to make her understand that, with Riya's case in hand, and exams coming up, I had a bigger fish to fry. Although I think Riya didn't want me to take charge of the case, but I was given so, to fulfil my responsibility I went to the management to discuss the case, I decided to get to my studies late this night.

I went home, I got late because I went to Riya's house to make her parents understand the situation and tell them it was not her fault. When I entered our house, everyone was asleep, except Dhruv. I placed my bag on the side table and sat next to Dhruv on the couch with my head hanging backwards. 

"What happened to that Riya case?" Dhruv said initiating the conversation

 "Ask Shaurya he is handling the case" I replied sarcastically without facing him 

"Good, now you can focus on your studies" he said hanging his head backwards.

 "Really you think that?" I said sitting up straight. 

"I can't let that Shaurya handle the case when I know how fearful he is and he will just be pleasing the management and nothing else" I said standing up. 

He got up and said "What are you up to?"

 "Right now, going to my room and studying, as exams are approaching" I said laughingly 

" Okay, even I will go and study" Dhruv said controlling his laughter and I left for my room.

I got really late due to the informal meeting regarding the case with the management. I got home around 2'O clock. When I opened the door with keys, there was some noise coming from the kitchen, I got scared. But then I took my bag as a weapon and started walking towards the kitchen, and when I reached there, there was no one but Dhruv. (Okay, sorry I forgot to tell you all that Aditi, Urvi, Abhinav and Shruti left this morning, after the message about Riya got viral, not because they had anything to do with it, but because their classes were resuming, so they left. So back to the story). 

"You look scared, Shaurya!!" Dhruv said placing his hands on my shoulder. 

"You are here, up so late?" I asked in astonishment 

"Was studying, was about to sleep, but the remembered Sanya was studying too, so made her favourite hot chocolate for her, by the way you didn't answer my question" he replied stirring the hot chocolate 

"I thought there was some thief or something" I replied with a sigh of relief 

"What about the Riya case?" Dhruv asked with curiosity 

"Sorry but I am not allowed to tell" I replied firmly 

"Whatever, anyways I am really sleepy and want to just go to my bed, can you give this to Sanya?" Dhruv said handing me the cup of hot chocolate

 "Uhm.... But...." I didn't know what to reply and was stammering 

"Thank you Shaurya" Dhruv said keeping the cup on platform and went to his room.

 How like how, Sanya has this over cool boyfriend, actually ex-boyfriend, and I am stuck with this over possessive girlfriend, no ex-girlfriend, I thought to myself. But now I had to give this to Sanya. I went towards her room, knocked at the half open door, when there was no reply, I went in.

 "Sanya" I said with really lowered voice, when I saw her at the study table. I kept the cup at her table and looked at her. She was asleep. She was looking so cute, just like a sleeping beauty. I couldn't stop adoring her, but then I saw she was feeling cold. I wrapped a blanket around her, when she was still sitting on her chair with head on the table. I closed her books kept them aside, placed a pillow beneath her head, took a sticky note out of her drawer, wrote something on it, sticked it on the cup, and went to my room closing the door behind me.

I woke up in the morning with a warmth around me. I was still half asleep when I removed the blanket around me, and found a cup covered with a sticky note on it. 

"Hot chocolate banayi, socha thand mein der raat tak padhne mein kaam aayegi" and by the writing I could tell it was written by Shaurya, but when I read the next line 

"But lagta hai kaafi thak gayi ho, apna bhi dhyaan rakh liya karo Dr. Sahiba, Take care"

 "Dr. Sahiba, that's something, Dhruv calls me, Shaurya usually calls me, Topper Sanya to annoy me" I thought to myself, but the handwriting was cursive which is of Shaurya, Dhruv has block handwriting. I was still in the confusion when I took the cup and started drinking hot chocolate (Which was apparently cold now) and walked out of my room.

 "You are drinking this now, I made it even when I was sleepy so you can have something between your studies, come on yaar Sanya" Dhruv said when he saw that cup of hot chocolate in my hand, but that handwriting. I was really confused, I needed to distract myself, so I went to the swimming pool to practice.

I went to have an investigation (like kind of it) near the swimming pool, I saw SANYA swimming there,

Miss. Adamant Agarwal

okay, I am not talking about how hot she looked, even in that knee suit, because I believe by now, all of you know that, and I don't have words to explain. But that moment, I wasn't enjoying "the view", I was angry at what I saw. Some random guys, (who were for some reason not of my class, but didn't looked seniors as well) were wrongly staring at Sanya. My anger was at its peak. I kept my calm, placed my bag on bench side by, and went up to them. 

"Hey guys" I said to them 

"Who are you dude?" they asked me still looking at her

 "doesn't matter, what are you doing here?" I asked respectfully

 "Why do you care?" both of them finally turned towards me.

 "Wait, a sec, in which year are you?" I asked

 "First year, but why does it matter to you?" they replied

 "Oh, so you are here for the graduation degree" I said with a grin 

"Yes?" they said

 "You know who you are looking at, Sanya Agarwal, the girl who got Karan , the self-proclaimed don of the college threatened, and I am Shaurya Malhotra, who got him suspended, so do you still want to stand here and argue with me" I said with folding my hands

 "Sorry, Sorry we are leaving" they said running out of my sight. 

I turned towards the pool, and at the same time Sanya turned from doing her laps facing the wall to doing her laps towards me, she saw me and was definitely furious, she came out of the pool, wore her pullover and came towards me 

" You were checking me out?" she said rolling her eyes and before I could say anything she pushed me in the pool 

"Sanya, are you crazy? I .... I don't..... don't know how........how to swim help me" I said almost drowning in the water.

 "Oh, come on Shaurya, do you think I am stupid, stop acting and come out" she said packing her bag 

"I don't think you are stupid.......you are definitely stupid......I really don't know how to swim , so now may you please help me" I said with water filled in my mouth 

"You really don't know how to swim?" Sanya said pulling her pullover out and jumping in the pool.

 She held me in her arms and we swam back to the platform. I caught my breathe and said

 " Are you crazy? How can you just throw someone in the pool like that?" 

"Then why were you checking me out?" she almost yelled at me 

" I was checking you out? God save me from this stupid girl, I don't know why I even try to help her" I said with frustration

 " You were trying to help, of course I was so helpless, right? " she said standing on her feet.

 I stood up and replied, "Of course, last night you would have been frozen if I didn't made you wear that blanket, and even today I threatened the guys standing here checking you out"

 " You made me wear that blanket last night?" she said with a doubt

 "Of course" I replied

 "But you never call me Dr. Sahiba?" she said with astonishment

 "Dhruv calls you that, so I thought you liked it, and anyways you are not a topper anymore, so no reason to call you topper Sanya" I said still confused. 

She left without saying anything shaking her hands and enacting to choke me. I also had lot of work to be completed, so even I left.

I pushed Shaurya in the pool and then got to know I was right, he was the one who left that note there. I would have apologized him but with the ego he said I was not the topper anymore, I got annoyed by him and left without saying anything. I went home and got ready for college. I reached college and went to Riya to get any updates about the working progress about the case. But she cried and was saying her parents told her it was all her mistake and right now as per the orders, she was not allowed to share any information. Then I thought of a plan and was going to tell that to Shaurya since he was selected as the head for the case. But when I was outside the Dean's cabin, I overheard Dean ma'am's and Shaurya's conversation where Shaurya said

 " I think to save Riya's and the college's reputation we should tell everyone that we have caught the guilty."

 I was so shocked, how can he say that? He just cares about the college's reputation, what about Riya's self-respect and justice? I was so frustrated I thought I will not involve Shaurya in this plan. I decided not to tell Dhruv and Sambhav as well as they will tell Shaurya, so they only person I could think of who would help me with this was Kunal.

I knew that Riya's video was everywhere on internet and it was impossible to find out from where it started. So, I decided that I will check everyone's phone, but it was not possible so easily. So, I thought I will spread this rumour that the culprit is caught, and the real culprit will be relaxed, and by an excuse I will collect everyone's phone and investigate it personally. I didn't want anyone to know about it, so I just shared it with dean ma'am , not even with Riya, and we announced to the college that the culprit was found and there was a seminar taking place, which everyone needed to attend in the seminar hall and submit their phones outside the seminar hall, so that there is no disturbance in there.

I went up to Kunal to discuss a way out for the plan to be executed. I was in the hallway when I heard the announcement 

"We have found the culprit in Riya's case everyone, everything is under control no need to worry about anything. Now I would like to announce a seminar taking place in half an hour, so I would like all of you to come to the seminar and follow the instructions there."

 I knew that although dean ma'am is saying this, but all the words are of Shaurya. I ran to Kunal and said 

"Listen I need your help" 

"Ya tell me" he turned towards me, he was with Divya that time.

 "You know about Riya's case, right?" I asked both of them 

"Ya" they replied.

 "So, I am thinking we will try to get to the person who started it by asking everyone from where did they knew about this" I explained

 "And since you both are kind of famous, I think people will tell you more than they do to me" I continued 

"I get your point, we are game" Divya replied

 "But, wasn't Shaurya working on this?" Kunal asked

 "Ya, and by the time he does this, we all will be graduated" I said jokingly

 "Then let's take this in our hands" Kunal said giving me a high five.

We did as we planned, and was really close to the main culprit.

We went from person to person, lead to lead and then found out the real culprit. I went to him to grab him from the collar and shouted we found the real culprit, but a voice mingled with mine. It was Shaurya's. We gazed at each other silently when Kunal interrupted 

"Actually Sanya didn't want the culprit to go off easily, that's why asked me and Divya to do kind of an investigation at our level."

 "Even Shaurya didn't want to go easy on the culprit, and we are sorry for the inconvenience everyone but there is no seminar here, this was a part of the investigation, you all can go to your classes " Dean ma'am said.

 Shaurya left and dean ma'am took the culprit with her to give him the punishment and get him jailed. I was right now more concerned about Shaurya, I misunderstood him. How can I think so small of him?

Sanya took Kunal's help instead of me, when I was the chosen one, when she herself was not allowed to help, she didn't trust me but that stupid Kunal, who rags juniors. When I got to know this, I was insanely furious. Kabir tried to stop me when I was going out of the college after this news broke out to me, I don't know why was I this mad but I walked past him.

I was still digesting the situation, when Dhruv came up to me and said

 "You know how Shaurya is, he likes to work alone, don't mind his behaviour"

 but before I could reply Nishi, Kabir and Sambhav also came there

 "But his reaction is appropriate, she could have talked to him about this" Sambhav said

 "Like then he would have let her do so" Nishi backed me up

 "I don't know who was at fault here, but Shaurya is really upset, he just went out of the campus past me" Kabir said.

 "Guys, I know I was the one at fault and I will make up for that with you all as well, but right now I will go and check on Shaurya. Just do me a favour handle things here".

 They all nodded in a yes, and I ran to find Shaurya. I went to him and saw he was leaned to a tree. 

I placed my hand on his shoulder, he turned back shrugged and stepped back and shouted

 "Don't you dare. Don't you dare show that you care about me, you thought I will just slide the case under the carpet like, really? How can you think so low of me? You really thought I forgot how to respect women? I will not do what's just for Riya? If you wanted to help you could have come to me Sanya, What was the need to bring Kunal in between of all this?"

 He was really pissed with me. I took a step closer, and was trying to calm him down when he threw my hand off. 

"Don't!!! Why don't you go to Kunal and celebrate this whole thing with him?" 

Even before those words were out of his mouth I regretted coming here , I should have anticipated this. I sighed in disbelief. I replied firmly 

"You know what Shaurya, I was here to apologise for what I did, for not knowing the whole truth and diving to a conclusion, for letting my anger take over my trust. But after listening to you I feel that was not even relevant, what you care about is why I took help from Kunal and that's definitely not something I should be apologizing about."

 "Definitely, because you are never the one who's at fault, and diving to conclusions without discussing the fact has become your habit" He yelled and went past me.

 I was furious at Shaurya and his overreactions and had work at the hospital, ( I was assistant, the only thing they let students do) but I liked to work in there and at this time no doctors will be there, so maybe my presence could be used. So, I went to the hospital without a second thought.

Hey everyone, this is your narrator back with a third perspective for the story, (basically not a perspective, just have to say something)

Sometimes, we say or do things, never meant to say or do, because of our condition and situation at that time, without knowing the consequences. We regret what we said or did, but the time is gone and we can't change anything about that, the only thing we can do is to correct the present situation and handle calmly.

Every time Sanya and I have a conversation we end up fighting, maybe sometimes I was the one at fault, but this time it was her. I was really upset and wanted to talk to someone, but can't talk to my best friend Dhruv because even if Sanya and Dhruv were on a break , Dhruv had feelings for her and I wanted someone who would not defend her, Sambhav had some work to do, Nishi was close to Sanya more than me, So I went to talk to Kabir. I was on my way when I found Dhruv sitting on a bench alone, tensed, but before I could go and talk to him, he stood up and was walking out of the campus, I followed him and saw a car approaching him. 

I shouted "Dhruv" and pushed him aside, but before I could do anything else..............

I was really upset, since the day I was Shaurya's best friend, I knew he and Sanya had a history which none of them want to talk about, but I was not ready for seeing the two most important people of my life like this. I was on my way to go to talk to the hospital to talk to Sanya, still in my thoughts, when Shaurya shouted my name from behind and pushed me aside and got hit by the car approaching me.

As I said everything doesn't go as planned, and we can't do anything about what fate hold for us, because somethings are destiny.

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I am, therefore, a narrator, an observer, a storyteller. The story might be his, hers, yours, or even mine. But the story is always real