Chapter 21 : The Appreciation

We both (together) went for our First Council meeting. The council room was fascinating. It has a projector with seminar like desks facing it. In the room with entrance through it, there opened a room with two long straight tables and ten round table on the side.. We all were settling down when our Dean came in and announced, that today's meeting is all about choosing the president of the committee and voting will take place right now itself. Voting took place and Shaurya and I had the same number of votes and there was a last vote left to be counted and it was Shaurya. When we were leaving the conference room, I overheard conversation of some students

 "Of course, Shaurya deserved to be the president"

 "Yes, we all know how Sanya landed herself up in the trouble and how without thinking about landing himself into trouble, Shaurya helped her, we need someone that sacrificing as the president".

 Like these people have half a knowledge of what happened and still have the courage to pass judgements about it, but then I realised that whatever maybe the situation, Shaurya helped me and I haven't even properly thanked him. So, I went to find him and found him in the music room practising his singing. I walked up to him. When he saw me he said

"Here to find your guitar"

 "No, actually I had to say something" I said 

"Okay?" he said turning towards me 

" First of all, congratulations on becoming the president" I said with a bright smile

 "Thank you?" he said gesturing me to tell what happened 

"And sorry I yelled at you for helping me" I said with a dejected face 

"You do that most of the times, but apology accepted" he said with a giggle 

"And thank you for helping me with that Karan case" I said biting my lips 

"Nothing to mention dude, I would have done it for anyone" he said

 (Anyone, I am a bloody anyone to him, like I wanted him to move on, but we are still in the same friend circle, I am not even a friend to him, I am just an anyone)

 "Cool" I said with a fake smile and playing with my hands and then left. But when I reached parking, I found out my car was not there and then remembered I gave the keys to Dhruv to go home because they left early as Shaurya and I had to attend the council meeting. So, now I have to stand outside Shaurya's car and wait for him to come since I can't ask for a lift from anyone as all my friends were gone. Then I remembered I forgot my guitar in the class, so I went to get it.

I became the president of the council, Sanya apologized to me for being rude and thanked to save her, which definitely was not at all needed but it felt really nice, but I didn't want to show that to her so , I blabbered something I never meant

  "I would have done it for anyone".

 No, I won't take such a big risk for anyone, I would have never done such a thing for anyone. So, I thought I will tell her this indirectly when I reach home. I went in the parking and found a bracelet with ♫ ♬ music symbols. And for some reason I knew who it belonged to.

I reached to class to get my guitar and found out something was missing in my hand. My favourite bracelet.

My favourite bracelet

Sanya's Bracelet

I was really upset about the fact, so I retraced the whole path to parking with my guitar searching for it. When I reached the parking, Shaurya was already sitting in the car, which didn't buy me anytime to look for it, so I silently went to the other side and sat on the front passenger seat. When we reached home, Dhruv and Sambhav were playing a match on PS-5. Dhruv bothered to turn towards us, and said 

"We have cooked some pasta and popcorn, you can have that from the kitchen", and turned back to the game.

 "By the way Sanya, something was missing in your hand" Dhruv said still looking at the game.

 "Was it your favourite bracelet?" he turned to ask me. 

"Dhruv, focus on the game , you will make us lose" Sambhav interrupted.

 "Like Dhruv recognized my bracelet was missing in fraction of seconds but Shaurya cannot, Great, why would he I am just a anybody to him." I thought to myself.

 "Ya, I dropped it, and didn't buy myself time search for it" I said aloud placing my guitar on coach and walking to the room.

I found Sanya's bracelet dropped near my car. I thought I would give it to her when I would apologize for being a bit rude in the music room, and when Dhruv pointed out that her bracelet was missing, I thought it was the perfect time. But before I could say anything, Sanya almost threw her guitar on the couch, walked to her room and slammed the door. I didn't get if she was angry at me for being rude or upset about losing her bracelet but I decided to make up for it. I went to her room. 

"You could have told me if you wanted to find your bracelet, you could have told me to wait" I told her opening the door of her room

 "I couldn't have thought you would wait for me" she said removing her shoes, earrings and watch. "You look tired, should I come later?" I said because she looked upset, and I wanted to comfort her. 

"Do whatever you want to, who am I to tell you that" she said finally turning towards me, with an annoyed face and sarcasm in her tone. 

"Why are you acting like this?" I said starting to get annoyed.

 "How do you want me to act? How do you think I know you would wait for anybody to go and find something?" she said moving towards me. 

"Now I see from where it is coming" I replied and was about to leave, 

"Ya, how did I forgot you don't talk to everybody" she replied

 "Why are you so upset about me calling you an anybody?" I asked

 "Because you are my best friend's boyfriend, my housemate, my batchmate , and my ex-schoolmate and my boyfriend's best friend" she replied almost staring me 

"Ya, that's what I am to you, but it could have been anyone else than me, would your reaction still remain the same?" I asked with a straight face but doubt in my heart.

 "Ya, anybody" she replied looking straight in my face. 

"Anybody?" I asked again, 

"Yes, anybody!!" she replied turning away.

 "You know what?" I said grabbing her shoulder and making her turn towards me, 

"Many people drop there bracelet here and there, I don't collect them and take care of it" I continued and took her bracelet out of my pocket and made her wear it on her hand.

I messed up everything again, Shaurya had my bracelet and was here to make up for calling me anybody, but left angrily by making me wear that bracelet and saying he doesn't keep everyone's bracelet safe in his pocket. I wanted to apologize to him for this whole drama but before I could say anything he left and slammed the door behind him. I went after him. When I entered the living area, Dhruv immediately noticed my bracelet and said

 "You said you dropped it, right?"

 but before I could reply "It was hung on her guitar bag only, I saw it when she almost threw her bag on the couch" Shaurya said grabbing his juice and sitting on the kitchen platform. 

"What he found it here in the house? He didn't keep it safe with him after finding it lying down somewhere in the campus? I was feeling guilty for no reason? He didn't do anything special to me? " I thought to myself and went back to my room.

Sanya and I can never have a proper conversation, we are never talking, we are just always fighting, I don't blame her completely for this because both of us are equally responsible but for me if I get angry easily, I yield quicker than I take offence and talking about her, she is like water, until it is quite it is beautiful, but when there is a tsunami, it is a trouble for everyone. And when she is outrage, get ready for a minimum 15 days of silent treatment, before you properly apologize to her. And I was not wanting any chaos, so I wanted to make up for everything I did, but we fought again and maybe to make me feel bad she called me an anybody and that worked, so I messed up more by saying I found her bracelet here only and indirectly she is again an anybody, which I realised that instead of making her feel sad about what she said, made her even more angry. And now I didn't know what to do?

Will these misunderstandings come to an end? Will they be able to tell each other that they care and want to be special? There are many ways to make or break relationships, but what will happen in this beautiful, sour yet sweet relationship?

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I am, therefore, a narrator, an observer, a storyteller. The story might be his, hers, yours, or even mine. But the story is always real