Chapter 20: Together A Team

When Shaurya came back after taking ice cream, something caught his eye which astonished him.

I was looking at something my eyes could never believe. Sanya was sitting on the roof of someone else's car with a bottle of "Whiskey" in her hand.

Before I could do anything or say anything, this nosy woman asked her

"What happened, dear? Why did you get drunk?"

"Because of this man in Black Kurta" Sanya said pointing at me.

"Oh, so are you a couple? But if you have any issues in your life settle it, why making a chaos in the public?" another nosy lady interrupted

"No, we are not a couple, ma'am. I drank this because this guy said he drinks because he is angry and annoyed and... ...... and frustrated. Even I am frustrated , I couldn't sleep at night. I have pain all over my body. I have pain here" Sanya said pointing at her forehead

"Here" pointing at her throat

"And even here" pointing on her stomach

"So I thought even I will drink this to get rid of my pain, of this frustration" she continued

"Sanya!! Come here, get off the car" I said moving closer and placing the ice cream cups in my hands on a side (maybe even raised my voice)

"Why are you shouting at her when you yourself drink" a nosy man interrupted

"Can you all please leave both of us alone?" I said joining my hands and they were murmuring something among themselves but left.

"I said get down Sanya" I actually yelled at her.

"Okay" she said making a cute puppy face and placing the bottle on her head and was getting down and almost tripped when I held her in my arms and made her stand on her feet.

"Why did you drink this?" I asked

"Are you deaf? I just answered that, but if you didn't hear I drank because you told drinking reduces emotions, feelings, and I had to reduce mine ." she replied with an innocent face

"You are sure you are a medical student? Don't you know how injurious to health it is" I held her shoulders and asked firmly

"Like you are not aware about it" she said raising her eyebrows and getting free from my grip

"But still you got drunk. I just acted to get drunk but you actually drank this" she said emptying the whiskey bottle showing it was actually filled with water

"You, the one who every time stops others from doing this telling them how bad for health it is and you yourself drank this?" she asked with disappointment

"I.....I" I didn't know what to reply

"I know you were upset last night, but this is not a way to deal with it, right? I know you may feel embarrassed right now, but I just wanted to tell you that running away from the problems is not a solution, you have to face the problem and make things right" she said placing her hand on my shoulder.

"You are right" I said not making eye contact because I felt guilty

"Now we should go home" I said to avoid any further conversation on this topic.

"By the way, where is my ice cream?" she asked laughingly (maybe to lighten the vibes)

"Oh god!" I exclaimed looking at the melted ice cream on the side

"No problem , today we will drink ice cream" she said and both of us started laughing . I know that I and Sanya have differences and are on a disagreement, but I don't know why but I am happiest (yet saddest yet most real) around her. We both went home. There our friends decided to show around the college to Aditi and all others so we prepared for tomorrow.

I did my job in making Shaurya realize that the way he handled everything last night was not the correct way. And I believe he got that. We all were really excited to show our friends around in college next morning. When we went to college next day, even before the class started, one of the support staff called my name and told me that I was called by the vice-principal. I knew it was something related to that stupid senior who was beating the innocent guy in the fest yesterday. My friends asked to come with me, but I refused because I don't want them to be in any trouble because of me. I went to the Vice Principal's office and that stupid senior was already there.

"What am I listening Sanya?" she said

"This was not expected from you. How could you threaten someone innocent like that" she continued

"What? Innocent ?" I spoke with shock

"Yes!! Karan told me you were trying to threaten innocent Rohan and when Karan tried to stop you even threatened him." she said angrily

"No! that's not the truth" I said but even before I could tell her anything she interrupted

"I have called Rohan to know the truth, you have to wait till then". We waited for Rohan to come. When he came, he looked pretty terrified. Just then Karan gave him a death stare. I don't know how our vice principal missed that, but I was sure whatever Rohan is say going to is very different from the truth.

"Please tell us what happened yesterday, Rohan." Vice-principal ma'am said

"Yesterday.... I ...... by mistake.... Hit her car.... And then she said.... She will complain to the police.... That I tried.... To kill her.... And when Karan.... Came to save me.... She told him to stay out of this otherwise..... she will complain about him as well that he was helping me" Rohan stumbled

"This is not true" I screamed banging the table

"But this is the exact thing Karan said, do you have any proof or witness to prove your point?" vice principal ma'am asked. I knew I could have named Shaurya but I didn't want to drag him into this trouble. Just then I heard a loud voice

"No, that's not the truth". I turned to find Shaurya entering the room.

"Sorry ma'am, I came here without your permission, but I was right there and so have seen everything that happened, I know the complete truth, and definitely what Rohan said was not true" Shaurya said entering the room.

"Karan was beating Rohan because Rohan by mistake scratched his car and Sanya was trying save Rohan and Karan tried to threaten her when she said she'll call the cops if he didn't apologize to Rohan and he said all this to take revenge from her because she hurt his male ego, and definitely Rohan was terrified by him so he agreed to lie for being saved by Karan's torture" Shaurya continued

"Do you have any prove for that?" Vice principal ma'am asked

"Yes, fortunately, I made this video to tease her later but it is going to come handy right now" he said taking his phone out.

"I will make sure this video gets viral and everyone knows how easy to bully you are, everyone will get to know how low your fears can take you and how you can make a guilty innocent and an innocent guilty" he said turning towards Rohan

"Enough" Rohan said

" I beg you don't make this video viral, my life will become a hell, I accept that the one at fault was Karan and not Sanya and Karan only told me to tell Vice principal ma'am this story" he said looking down.

"Okay, a live show is always better than the recorded, I never had the recordings, I just said all that to make him tell us the truth" Shaurya said pointing towards Rohan

"And you know why I was so confident, because I was with the truth and I knew the fear which forced him to lie will help me convince him to tell the truth" He said turning towards Karan and giving him an angry look

"Okay boys, and girls, we know who is at fault, Sanya we are sorry for the inconvenience and Karan if you would have said the truth and accepted your mistake you would have been suspended for a week but now you are suspended for a month and Rohan you will also be suspended for supporting Karan in this for any reason and thank you Shaurya for bringing up the truth we appreciate your guts, now all of you , dismiss" Vice principal ma'am said.

We all came out of the cabin

"You will have to pay for this" Karan said looking at Shaurya and left.

Rohan left without a word.

"How can you be so childish, Shaurya? " I said after both of them left.

"I did what I felt right!!" he exclaimed

"And anyways I was just trying to help" he continued

"I don't want anyone's help, especially when it can lead them into trouble" I told him

"Wow, when you did this, you were standing against unjust and when the other person did it is wrong, such hypocrite you are" he said and left.

I came back to the class and before I could talk to anyone about anything, one of our professors came and announced that Mr. and Miss fresher will be representing the freshman year to the council. I was like, we are never on the same page and still have to be together I just don't know what kind of fate we have got!!

What will happen when both of them work together? Will both of them fall in love again? Or will they just turn into worse enemies? What will their fate do to them? How will they fight their fate? Can they stay up with their personal beliefs?

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I am, therefore, a narrator, an observer, a storyteller. The story might be his, hers, yours, or even mine. But the story is always real