Chapter 17 : A Night Together

I received a call from an unknown number. I saw the time, it was 2'O clock at night, I hesitated but then answered the call 

"Hello, is it Sanya?" a male voice came from the other side of the Phone 

"Yes?" I replied 

" Ma'am, I am a waiter at Eve club, a customer named Shaurya Malhotra is really drunk and has caused a chaos here, he is taking your name continuously, so may you please come to take him?" he replied. 

Shaurya is drunk , the one out of all boys who used to tell the others not to drink was drunk today, I became really worried about him.

 " Yes , I am coming" I said and left in my car. I didn't tell anyone anything because it was already enough drama today and more was no way welcome.

I left in my car and went to a place I would not go otherwise, but actually used to go with my friends because they took me. 

" The Eve club".

 I went there and ordered beer after beer and then I don't remember much but I think I ordered a bottle of whiskey and then I was really angry and maybe threw a glass in anger and maybe even indulged in fight and then fell on floor and was chanting Sanya's name continuously, then I went unconscious for some time. When I gained some consciousness after sometime, I just remember a glimpse of Sanya there.

I went to the Eve club and there it was evident that Shaurya was really drunk. He was lying down with a bottle of whiskey in hand. There were pieces of broken glass around, and there was this guy who looked like was beaten brutally. I went to the waiter nearby and told I was Sanya Agarwal.

" Finally you are here ma'am" the waiter said before he could say anything else

this guy came to me and said " Please Ma'am take of this man he has beaten me so brutally when I didn't even said him a thing , I was simply talking to my Girlfriend"

Before this guy could complete his sentence, a elder man approached and said " Maybe his way was wrong but he was right, you were talking rubbish about this girl, she maybe your girlfriend but this is no way to treat a lady" this man said

" Please excuse me everyone I am sorry for all the chaos caused by him, I extremely apologize " I said then went towards Shaurya and held him in my arms.

"Sanya" he gained some consciousness and said and then fell on my shoulder. I put the bottle aside and settled Shaurya in the car and then came to the waiter and said

"I'll pay for everything, the bill, all the loss and even the hospital bill for the guy beaten brutally" I said

" No Ma'am, you don't have to pay for anything there was not major loss of property and you don't even have to pay for that rude guy because Shaurya sir was not wrong that guy was wrong, and Shaurya sir comes here regularly so he'll pay for the bill of all the orders" he replied

" He comes here regularly?" I asked in shock

" Yes, he comes with his friends, his friends have cocktails while he only has mocktails all the time, I was shocked when he asked for Cocktails today, Ma'am you don't worry about that you just take care of Shaurya sir" he replied

" Okay thank you " I said and then went to the driving seat.

"Sanya" he was saying continuously, his phone was also buzzing continuously, I tried to avoid but couldn't. I stopped the car and took his phone out and found out it was locked, but the wallpaper was of all 8 of us friends in 10th when everything was fine before Shaurya proposed me and everything was ruined. I tried unlocking it with his birthdate and even Aditi's birthdate but the phone didn't unlock, then for the last time I tried "1524" his and my birthdate and it unlocked. I didn't know what to feel, angry or happy ☻, so I just left that and opened messages. There were many messages from Dhruv

" Where are you?"

"Everyone is tensed here"

"Shaurya, please come back"

" Please reply Shaurya"

" Shaurya??"

"Where are you, Shaurya?"

"You are making me literally worried, Shaurya" I saw all these messages from Dhruv.

I was worried that Dhruv is still up so I can't take Shaurya home, otherwise there would be a lot of questions asked, but I couldn't ignore this message because otherwise maybe he will wake everyone up and go on search for him , so I messaged him.

" I am fine, and absolutely alright , don't worry , I am at a friend's house and will be home tomorrow"

and then I called a hotel reception and booked a room for him, but then I thought I couldn't leave him alone and go home so I look at the time and it was 3'O clock and I knew until we reach the hotel, check-in and settle in there it would be 4, so I thought at that time I will message Aditi that due to some work I will leave by 5 and I know at that time she wouldn't read and no one would be up to check. I drove to the hotel and the held Shaurya in my arms and went to the reception when he said

"Sanya we bought such a nice big house, Wow, now both of us will live here happily"

I didn't focus on him because I knew he was not in his senses and even he was just speaking a line or two in between so I was not taking it in and checked-in.

" Wow Sanya, we have a lift in our house, that's so nice of you" he said and hugged me

and then was going in the lift when he disbalanced and was about to fall but I grabbed him and he said

" Whoa that's my Sanya, the strongest, the bravest" and I made him stand straight and then we went to our room.

There were teddies on the bed to which he said

"Sanya, why do you need all those teddies? I am here ,no? I am your teddy, come hug me and sleep." He said opening his arms, I went towards a side table saying

"I have some work you sleep, I'll sleep later".

Then there were some books on the table to which he said

" Oh you are studying, I'll help you study, I'll help you, Sambhav, Dhruv everybody study" he said

this and then fell on the bed. I thought he is on bed, he will not wake up now, and even if he does, he will sleep if he finds himself alone, so I made him wear a blanket, took a pillow and a blanket and went in the living area to sleep on the couch. When I came out I remembered I had to text Aditi, so I searched for my phone and it was on a desk near the door, I went there and messaged Aditi and then went to sleep on the couch. I was half asleep when I don't remember correctly but I saw Shaurya wrapped in the blanket he came to me and said

" I'll also sleep with you" and then slept next to me and hugged me and we both went to sleep.

(Next morning)

I woke up in the morning when I found out I was sleeping over Shaurya on a small couch wrapped in the same blanket. I really couldn't remember when did it happened, like I remember I brought him here and made him sleep inside in the bed, I couldn't recall any further. I was still trying to clear my blurred flashback of last night when Shaurya woke up and he woke up with jerk in a way such that we both fell off the couch on the floor with him over me. It was really awkward for both of us. Shaurya tried to get up but we were wrapped in the same blanket so he fell with more force. I lifted myself a little up so he could take out the blanket from beneath me. After that we got up and I was getting up and was about to get hurt by the coffee table when he put his hand between my head and table to save me.

"Thank you" I said trying to steal away my eyes.

"Nothing in front of what you did" he said bringing me back to my feet.

He was walking away when I said

"I messaged Dhruv from your phone that you are at a friend's house, so please cover up"

"And what about you?" he asked looking at me from his shoulder with his back still facing me,

"I messaged Aditi that I left early in the morning, so don't worry" I replied

and he left with saying anything further. I went to the room to check if we left something behind and then came to the reception to checkout.

"Tell me the amount of bill, I'll pay as you had to stay here because of me" Shaurya whispered when we were at the reception counter. 

"I think you should leave right now, everyone would be worried, and we have to go single-handedly anyways, we can sort the bill later" I said taking my wallet out,

"And how do you suppose me to go, my car is at the club" he said giving me an angry look.

"And if we reach at same time wouldn't that be suspicious" I said turning to him,

 "Us coming back in different cars is enough and we don't owe any explanation to anyone" he said almost banging the counter.

It was obvious from his tone and expression he was still upset about his last night's conversation with Aditi.

"As you say", I said stepping back.

"Finally, you agreed to something" he murmured.

"Did you say something?" I said to show him I heard what he said but still avoid an argument.

 "Nothing, let's leave" he said as he paid the bill and then both of us drove to the Eve club.

We both came out of the car and he took the keys of the other car from me and was walking away when

"Sanya, I had to say something" he said when I was holding the door of my car about to sit.

"First of all, thank you for everything you did" he said as he turned and walked towards me,

"And sorry for everything I did last night" he said with an unreadable expression on his face.

"You were drunk last night, I think we should just forget everything, like nothing happened" I said sitting in the car and driving away, he turned to move towards his car, when I stopped, rolled down the window and said

"Drive slowly, we should reach home with a time gap" and left.

What will happen when they reach home? How will Shaurya answer all the questions? What will happen if the find out what actually happened? Or will there even be any questions asked? Or Sanya has something in her mind?

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I am, therefore, a narrator, an observer, a storyteller. The story might be his, hers, yours, or even mine. But the story is always real