Chapter 13 : The Show Time

It was our first day in college, Shaurya was sitting with Dhruv and I was sitting with Sambhav, when there was an announcement for the Fresher's party . I whispered to Sambhav,

" Shaurya is definitely going to be a part of some music event"

"Maybe" he said

, then I decided to do something different this time , and went for drama instead.

I was not happy about Sanya living with us, after what all happened, I don't think anyone would be, but can't do anything about it. On the first day of our college, there was an announcement about the Fresher's Party .

I told Dhruv I was sure Sanya was going to be a part of some dance event ( forgetting that she was his ex ), but the reaction was not the one expected

" All of us know that dude" he said, to my surprise.

I was thinking of taking part in drama this time, to do something different. I was practicing my singing when this guy came to me.

" Hey, Shaurya, right?"

" Ya"

"Kabir" he said forward his hand

" Hi Kabir" I said shaking hands with him.
He placed his bag on the bench and started talking

" I don't know how you already have friends on the first day "

" You mean Dhruv and Sambhav"

" Do you have others friends as well?" he asked in amazement.

" Then you should know I don't have friends on the first day of college, Dhruv and Sambhav are my friends since school"

" Whoa, you all came to the same college as well great"

" Ya, for a person like me definitely I can't get going with new people easily"

" With your singing skills, girls will be flattered, dude"

" That's why I am not singing on the fresher's party", I said bursting into laughter,

" Forget that let me introduce to my friends ", and both us went to find Dhruv and Sambhav.

I was sitting in one of the hallways, leaning to a pillar, practicing my guitar, when a girl waved at me,

" Sanya ", she called out. I removed my earplugs.

" Hi, this is Nishi " she said with a cute innocent smile.

" Hi Nishi" I said smiling back at her.

" The way you dealt with the seniors, Whoa, I am impressed"

( Did I forgot to tell you about the seniors' incident, No worries)

( Today in the morning)

I was a bit late for the class, ( or maybe everyone else was really excited so they were early), So when I came in class I saw a few seniors there ,who maybe were trying to rag the freshers , so I said
"Excuse me ,Ladies & Gentlemen, I don't think we allow ragging in our college"

"And who are you to tell us that?" they said arrogantly.

" A new addition to the management and faculty" , I said firmly.

"Sorry Ma'am, we were just trying to be friends with the juniors" they said nervously

" That kind of behaviour will not be appreciated from next time" i said and they left.

As I got assured, we were out of their earshot,

I said " Hey everyone, I am Sanya Agarwal, a classmate of yours and definitely not a member of faculty" I said with a giggle and held my seat.

( Back to now)

" That was nothing, dude"

" No it was quite impressive, and you play guitar so wonderfully, all boys would be attracted towards you"

" I don't care" I said with a straight face because I wanted to avoid that conversation.

" Anyways, I think we need to get ourselves enrolled for Fresher's party events, so let's go? "

" Sure" she said as I packed the guitar back to the cover and we took our belongings.

As we passed through the hallway, two familiar faces approached, Our Seniors.

" Dude, meet our new faculty member who roams around with freshers," the senior guy said sarcastically.

" I didn't know you were so dumb, that you still can't figure out I was also a fresher"

" Any explanation for your behaviour this morning", the senior girl said.

" I don't think I owe an explanation, you were trying to have fun with the juniors, I tried to have it with seniors"

" Fair enough" they said laughing out.

" By the way this is Kunal and she is Divya"

"This is Sanya and she is Nishi" Nishi waved at them.

" I like your confidence Sanya, appreciated" Divya said.

" Thanks" I said with a generous smile

" Anyways, we are headed somewhere, so catch up with you guys later"

"Sure" both of them said together as we passed by.

" You handled that so well" Nishi said

" Can I stop getting appreciated for my behaviour?"


We went to get enrolled in different events at freshers' party, and then I thought of making Nishi meet Dhruv and Sambhav.

( At the main campus)

I saw Dhruv and Sambhav ( with Shaurya and an unfamiliar face) from a distance, and Nishi and I went up to them.

"Hey, Sanya" Dhruv said as he saw us approaching.

"Hi everyone", I said

"Hi Sanya" the unfamiliar guy said excitedly , he faced Shaurya and said

" I didn't know even she was your friend"

" Ya, we all were from the same school" Shaurya said

" You all were from the same school?" Nishi asked in exclamation

" Ya , we were" I said

"The way you handled the seniors this morning was fabulous" the unfamiliar guy said. I looked at Nishi and chuckled

" Thanks" I replied to him

" By the way, Sanya, this is Kabir, Shaurya's new friend" Sambhav said pointing towards the unfamiliar guy

" Hi Kabir, nice to see Shaurya started getting along with new people" I said to lighten up Shaurya since we have to live in the same flat for the next 4.5 years. Shaurya took a deep sigh, rolled his eyes, and ignored.

" Anyways, everyone this is Nishi, my new friend here", Nishi waved at them as I introduced her. "And Nishi this is Dhruv"

" Hi Nishi" he said as I introduced him

" This is Sambhav"

"Hi Nishi" Sambhav said with an innocent smile

"And that's Shaurya"

" Hi" he said waving at her.

" I think just names won't be enough, we need to hear more from you all about your school time, right Nishi?" Kabir said placing his hand on Shaurya's shoulder.

Nishi nodded in a yes.

" It's just the first day we are here for much more time, I think this is enough for today, we all have work left to be done" Shaurya said in one go

" Ya, right now we all should head home and take some rest and then get back to work" I said, not to show agreement with Shaurya but to avoid conversations about school.

Will Sanya and Shaurya tell anyone about the school time? What will happen when they will find both of them are in Drama? How will the new people affect their lives? What's going on with Shruti, Urvi, Abhinav, and Aditi? How will Dhruv and Aditi react to Sanya and Shaurya together in another event? Will they even be ready to work together?

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I am, therefore, a narrator, an observer, a storyteller. The story might be his, hers, yours, or even mine. But the story is always real