Chapter 8: The Differences

I was pretty sure this was done by Shaurya, like obviously, he was jealous, that's why he proposed Aditi. So , I decided to go and talk to him, but when I went to him , he was approaching me,
" Sanya, what's wrong with you?", he said, in loud voice, with angry face, but I don't know why I found that cute.

(" Focus Sanya", I said to myself," you're angry with him")

" What's wrong with me?? What's wrong with you Shaurya? Why did you lie to Dhruv that I was with you last evening?"

" Wait, I lied to Dhruv that you were with me last evening, or you lied to Aditi that I was with you?"

" Why would I lie to Aditi?"

" To cause hindrance in our relationship "

" See, I have no such interests, okay, but wait, if you didn't lie to Dhruv , who filled his mind that way?"

" Exactly what I was thinking, if you didn't say anything to Aditi, then who did? Because, definitely she doesn't think that way".

Before I could say anything further, I was interrupted by Sambhav,

" Hey, Shaurya, I have been looking for you all over",

he said as he approached us.
" Hi Sanya"

" Hi Sambhav",

then they started talking about their extempore work. I thought to wait for him to leave but before he left, Urvi called me, and our conversation left unfinished. While I was walking down the street, I thought

" How could Shaurya think about me like that? Why would I lie about him to Aditi? Like seriously, this is what he thinks of me",

while I was still thinking Urvi snapped her fingers at me .

" What are you thinking?" 

I told her about the assumption Dhruv has in his mind, and how he is not ready to listen to me.

Unfortunately , our teacher ( who was the debating in-charge) overheard our conversation,

" This wasn't expected from you and Dhruv , Sanya!! I am no one to say anything between you, but since you and Dhruv are partners in debating competition as well, so go talk to him and clear all the differences, I don't want both of you to lose because of petty reasons"

I thought this could be a nice way to make him listen and clear misunderstanding. I went to his class to call.

Will he come with me? Will he listen to me? Or will he remove his name from the debating competition and backout?

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I am, therefore, a narrator, an observer, a storyteller. The story might be his, hers, yours, or even mine. But the story is always real