Chapter 7: The Misunderstandings

The year ended. Now we were in tenth. It was that time of the year, the best part of school, The Cultural Week :). I was wanted everywhere, from drama, to MUNs , and definitely I had to take part in debate. So, I really had a tight schedule.

And now I was late for the meeting of all the people of debating club. 

When I reached there, Dhruv asked where I was, I said I was stuck with some work, and he was absolutely fine with that, until , ...... there was a girl named Deeksha who hated me since a long time and definitely knew that I and Dhruv made the best pair, which if she breaks, she has chances of winning the debating competition. 

So, the next day I was called by the drama club and I went and helped people there and then I went to the MUN people and give them some tips and tricks and ran to our meeting. When I reached there Dhruv was sitting with Deeksha, since it was a round table, I sat on the other side of Dhruv. I didn't know what Deeksha has done, so was wondering why Dhruv was ignoring me. After the meeting ended, Dhruv went past me, I went to talk to him, so he asked where was I all this time, I said

" I have told you I was stuck up with a lot of work".

"So much so, you didn't bother taking my calls".

"How am I supposed to take calls in school?"

"I am talking about last evening ".

" I was completely worked up; I haven't checked my phone since last afternoon".

" OK, where were you last evening".

" Why are you investigating me?"

"Can you please answer".

" I was with one of my friends "

"With your friends or with Shaurya?", he actually yelled me.

"You can't yell at me like that Dhruv".

"And are you supposed to lie?"

"I am not lying".

"You were not at the Lifestyle store last evening?"

" I was".

"Did you buy something?"

"Yup, a dress".

He showed me his phone and said " but I can't see you paying for anything " .

"I said I was with a friend , she paid for me , because I forgot my wallet, now can you stop interrogating me".

" No, because here Shaurya paid for something, but when I asked him to show what he bought from lifestyle last evening, he said he didn't buy anything, were you cheating on me with my best friend?"

"Dhruv!!!!!" I yelled at him furiously

" You know what , I don't owe you an explanation , since you were the one who proposed me , I didn't come after you, and if you can't even trust me why am I even here " .

" I proposed you jokingly, and you know that" .

"And when I said yes you were on cloud nine".

" Fine" , and he left.

I and Aditi were pretty excited for the cultural week, we were together most of the time in school practicing. But when I went home, my social energy was over ( just introvert things), so I usually didn't call her. One day, she said
" We should go to some cafe this evening " ,

the evening I had plans to go to lifestyle with one of my friends,

" Sorry, not today, maybe next time ",

and she was fine with that. 

But , the next day , when we were done discussing our opinions with the teachers, she instead of talking to me , walked away alone. I thought she was upset about something so, decided to go to her, and said

" Hey, what happened " .

"Where were you last evening?"

"Why are you asking that?"

" Please tell".

"At Lifestyle".


" No, with a friend, but why are you asking that?"

" Did you buy something ?"


" Then what the heck were you paying for at the cash counter", she screamed showing me her phone.

"Wait, why are you checking the CCTV of Lifestyle" .

"Answer me first".

" My friend lacked cash, so was paying for him" .

"Paying for a friend or paying for Sanya".

"Aditi!!!!" , I yelled at her.

" Yes, Shaurya you were paying for Sanya because here Sanya can't be seen paying for anything, but when I asked her about her last evening, she said it was nothing special, just that she bought a dress from lifestyle, I should have known this, why would have you proposed me , you just wanted to be around Sanya, you were cheating on me with my best friend".

"Aditi!! Can you hear yourself, I don't know why did you even said yes to me when you can't even trust me? You know what I don't owe you an explanation, think whatever you want to think", and I left with my stuff.

Will we ever get to know who did this all? Will this bring me and Sanya closer or take us even more far? Will our current partners ever get to know that we didn't cheat on them?

The only thing came to my mind was to kill the person who did this , and I knew who it was, Shaurya...

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I am, therefore, a narrator, an observer, a storyteller. The story might be his, hers, yours, or even mine. But the story is always real